Thursday, December 6, 2012

Redefine Your Beliefs...Redefine Your Results

I just arrived back from beautiful Tempe, AZ, where I attended my first ever women's retreat.  This retreat was called Beauty Redefined. I had really no idea what to expect, except that my intention was to experience 3 things: Connection, Surrender and Breakthrough.  And....I can say that I definitely experienced all three.  

I took away many lessons from this experience.  One of the main take-aways for me was around how WE (women and men) define ourselves, our worthiness, our value in the world.....the "truth" we hold ourselves too.  Somewhere along our journey in life, we created stories around our abilities, inner resources, skills and talents.  From these stories, we then create judgement around what we accomplish, create, earn, parent, produce, succeed, etc.  Then, we may experience shame....the fear of not living up, not being good enough, not being worthy....then we tell ourselves more stories, and then create more judgement, more shame and the vicious cycle continues..

The beauty of this any given moment we can choose to rewrite the story.  It really is that simple.  We can choose to redefine our beliefs around what we can accomplish, create, we can parent, produce and succeed. 

"You weren't an accident. You weren't mass produced.  You aren't an assembly-line product.  You were deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned on Earth by the Master Craftsman."  ~ Max Lucado

This is true! As Jack Canfield shares in "The Success Principles", believing in yourself is an attitude.  It is a choice.  Whether you grew up in the ideal home with positive, supportive parents; or you grew up in a home where your parents unintentionally passed on the same limiting beliefs they grew up with, YOU and only you can choose the stories and definitions now.  It is now your responsibility to take charge of your own self-concept and your beliefs.  

What you believe is up to you.  If you tell yourself you "can't", then you won't.  If you tell yourself it is too difficult, then it will be.  The barrage of lies you can tell yourself can literally change the course of your life....your deliberately planned, specifically gifted and lovingly positioned life.

Allow me to digress for a minute.....While in Tempe, there was this amazing Art Festival.  All the roads were blocked off, and we saw vendor after vendor with some amazing creations.  There was one vendor that completely captivated my interest.  They had created rings, beautiful wrist bands/bracelets, and necklaces out of the inner wheels/cogs of vintage watches.  I had never seen anything quite like it.  I was particularly taken with a piece....a necklace.....on the front was the face of the watch, on the back was a clear view to the tiny wheels and cogs, moving to keep time.  And there were beautiful adornments that hung below, and it is a one of a kind creation.
Of course, I wanted it!  AND...I had almost started believing a particular lie that I had been telling myself....You're not worth it.  You don't deserve this!  
I could have believed this lie....God knows I have been for some time now.... However, while at this retreat, I had an opportunity to take some time to redefine my story, my truth.  I chose to debunk that lie.  Instead, I chose to tell myself that I am worthy of this one of a kind creation....because I am a one of a kind creation.  I am wanted and I am loved.  It was deliberately planned, specifically gifted, and lovingly positioned in my exactly the right time...for an exact purpose. I chose to have this beautiful watch become a symbol of my transformation.....Now is the time....Now is the time to fine tune and redefine my beliefs, my story and my truth.  (I will share with you my story another time)  

You see, all it takes is an instant, a choice, and chance to give yourself permission to create your new story.  

What do you want? What kind of life do you want to LEAD? (notice I said, lead....not live?  There is a big difference!)  What are your dreams? Your goals?
What are you willing to risk to accomplish them?

Redefining your beliefs, your stories, your truth is the first step!
In "The Success Principles", Jack Canfield shares that you must choose to believe that you can do anything you set your mind to - anything at all - because, in fact you can.  He states that the latest brain research indicates  that with enough positive self-talk and positive visualization combined with the proper training, coaching, and practice, anyone can learn to do almost anything. 

If you have a goal you want to accomplish....then do it! 
Declare it. 
Visualize it being complete.
Create affirmations to support your action steps.  
Align yourself with others who can support you.  
Seek support from a mentor and a coach.  
Create your vision, and go get it! 

If you could write the ideal story of your life, your dreams, your goals, what would it say? 

Now is the time to redefine your beliefs, your story....your results. 

If you are looking for support in accomplishing a goal, Breakthrough Coaching can support you.  Feel free to email me for more information!


  1. Thanks Angela. Your words, your heart is truly felt and appreciated in this blog. The concepts are so simple yet we (I), as human being(s), make it so darn complicated. Great share!

  2. Angela - YOU ARE WORTH IT! (I love the necklace!!) I am so proud of you and I love your message. I am going to share your blog and your message with my team as we make the turn to great change in our businesses in 2013! Thanks, friend!

  3. Angela, some people never reach the realization that you just did about yourself and your life. Most people like to blame someone else or the world in general for who they are and what they have become. We have one chance to live our mortal lives and guess what, "WE" need to take responsibility for our own life. I am proud and happy for you, I will share your story, it is a story worth telling and wish you continued luck on your journey! Uncle Frank

  4. Great stuff Angela. I heard so much amazing feedback from the Beauty Redefined Women's retreat with Centa and Janet Linda came back a refreshed and renewed woman Linda said you rocked the seminar with your open sharing of yourself and powerful insights!

    You are an incredibly powerful woman and coach. You have the incredible ability to see through and into people which is a rare gift. Your coaching clients are lucky to have you as an ally to achieving their big goals and dreams.
